About Me

About Me

Hello, my name is Peter - Welcome to my Blog

Here, I will gather all pertinent ideas on:

Personal Development
Loosely Related, Interesting Topics

And portray them in a clear consise manner to aid us all,  in our development journey.

I have an idea of what I would love to achieve with this space and thus, I have created a sort of Roadmap which illustrates my goals a little better. It is located further down in this post.

Who am I?

I go by the title:- Dr Peter Sacha

OK, I have not achieved my Doctorate yet...

I am currently a Doctoral Researcher enrolled in a Mechanical Engineering course at a University in London 🇬🇧.  My study is in the area of metallurgy and is sponsored by a company in the materials industry.

My working thesis contributes to a larger project that optimises the mechanical properties of the aluminium alloys used in the battery packs of electric motor vehicles.

In short, Steel is the metal that is most widely used in the automotive industry. It is highly useful as it has very high strength but its downfall is its relative high weight. Aluminium in comparison is approximately 3 times less dense i.e. for the same sized chunk of metal, aluminium would be 3 times lighter than the steel chunk.

The aim is to have lighter aluminium battery packs - in order to acheive higher efficiency and lower transportation costs, whilst maintainig high/similar mechanical porperties (strength and ductility).

This is the crux of my research.

What Do I Do?

Like anyone else, I also have interests that lie outside of the realm of my studys.

1.          As I've gotten older, I have become more self aware and have placed great importance on my personal development, yearning to be a "Better Me".

2.          I got into Forex Trading & Cryptocurrency investing in 2021 and haven't looked back since. Careful or I might start waffling about Web 3.0 😅😂

3.         In my undergraduate years, I spotted the oppurtunity to host and throw events - These range from: club nights to brunches, group holidays and corporate networking events. I am now the co-founder of two buzzing event companies.

4.         Reselling - an extra enterupenurial avenue for income. There's a marketplace for: Cars, Sneakers, Match/Concert Tickets & Electronics. Buy low & sell for more is the name of the game! You retain the arbitrage.

5.         Sports and fitness play an important role in my physical aswell as mental health - there's something therapeutic about a gym session after a long day of work. I have played Rugby, Football and Squash, competing at high levels

I will write of topics I am knowledgeable about aswell as those that spark my interest and I begin to explore.

Here is my aforementioned Roadmap:

Hope you'll stay for the journey!