
Rate Your Risk Tolerance

Are you dollar-cost-averaging into govt bonds or degenerately splurging on microcap alt coins? (Make it rain baby...). The two choices seem to be either, replicating Warren Buffet or becoming a 12-year-old crypto-millionaire. Most

Notice Accounts

Notice accounts are a neat way to save up money. They are not too common or often spoken about. A notice account is a savings product offered by certain banks to individuals interested


In essence, routines are a major part of leading a well planned and structured life. Resulting in far less time thrown down the drain to trivial activities that don't serve you

Copy Copy

Ctrl C + Ctrl V. Et Viola. Between drawing inspiration and direct copying lays a thin line, there's literally no grey area. Unfortunately, distinguishing between the two is also a subjective matter.

Self Driving Cars

Autonomous Vehicles. Very realistic & coming to a dealer near you, much, much sooner than you'd think. Prior to taking a real deep dive into the topic, I had mentally likened