
Year in Quarters

As we draw to the end of first 2022 quarter, the time has now come for me to reflect on how the year has panned out so far and track my progression over

Superhero - Antihero - Villain

The first and the latter may be obvious, but the antihero falls in a grey area that is difficult to describe. Where the Superhero and Villian actively oppose one another, the Antihero is

Web 3.0 <- 2.0 <- 1.0

Web 3.0 is the new and evolved version of the world wide web. If you thought the internet was already widespread and interconnected, this era of the web takes it to the

To-do Lists & Organisation

Living spontaneously often won't get you very far - it's like living with no intention. Getting organised is often the first step to becoming productive. To-do lists are a

Inflation & Interest Rates

Why have interest rates gone up? What is inflation and how does it affect us? Following the recent news of the US Federal Reserve's Chair, Jerome Powell, increasing interest rates in