Personal Development Segment

Personal Development, Investing in yourself - your greatest asset. Here will lie a guide to aid in your growth journey.

Personal Development touches upon many ideas from various fields and combines them all to aid in self improvement. I like to think of it like this. As you grow up and mature, a lot of the qualities you acquire are as a results of the environment you interact/interacted with - your parents, your friends, location & hobbies. These traits you pick up may be positive, negative, or anywhere in between. Self improvement includes indentifying your strenghts, aswell as the, not so good traits and working on them or finding more favourable traits to append to your character.

You develop an idea of your desired future self, and take steps to mould yourself into that being.


- Mental

- Spiritual

- Physical

- Skillsets


Mental and emotional growth focus on the development of your thought processes and behaviours. Improving your mentality can greatly benefit you in all your daily interactions whilst helping you deal with stress and challenges more easily. Apply this and watch your productivity skyrocket - A clear mind is the greatest tool for success.

This growth in mind can be achieved through numerous techniques as well as kowledge aqcuired through books and podcasts. All of which will be shared in this segment.


Connecting with your beiliefs and thought systems and becoming more aware of your inner being. Reassessing your false beliefs and awakening to truths of the universe around us.


This is development of the physical body and involves taking care of the body and using it in better ways. The physical wellness of the body affects many other areas of personal growth and so is very important. Drugs and alcohol affect both mental and physical health and thus it is paramount to keep these at bay.

Nutrition, excersise and sleep are all topics that fall under this category.


Learning crucial life skills can aid in your personsal advancements. Skills such as high income and high value skills will guide your progression. Some of these skills can be picked up in the Finance Segment and the Investing Segment.

High income/value skills include: Digital Marketing, SEO, Sales, Web Design and Video Editing. These are just a few of the many skills we will touch upon.

Lifelong Self Betterment