Positive Delusions

"You either make the rules, or the rules make you".

A delusion refers to a belief that is disconnected from reality. Unlike negative delusions (which often involve paranoia or fear), positive delusions tend to be characterised by optimistic or beneficial qualities, the useful kind.

The word delusion is hitched mainly to negative associations, even a google search of the term returns pages on schizophrenia 😂. I toil to alter this perception.

We live in a world of clear laws and regulations, imposed by the State and in turn Law Enforcement. Alongside these are social expectations, unspoken, but firmly placed on us all. Without them, we are told, the world would turn into a circus show...

...these controls can be described, as 'protective' cages; 'lovingly' clipped wings; 'grounding' loads. Designed to clip our delusions, both to the right and to the left. Well-intentioned, but restricting nevertheless.

Freedom lies in the delusions we create for ourselves!

As I know you seek self-betterment (heck, why else are you here?), you ought to actively filter the principles you live by or you too would be shaped by these expectations. "You either make the rules, or the rules make you". There is wisdom in shared social counsel, but these beliefs and aspirations we hold are the very ones that allow us to achieve all our wild and wacky dreams.

In Don't Cheat at Solitaire, I mentioned the beneficial effects of self-deception in small doses. Examples of these are statements like "Fake it till you make it", "Nothing is Impossible" and all the rest of the manifestations we allow ourselves to believe. These kinds of delusions keep us motivated & combat self doubt, and in the grand scheme, aid in the achievement of our goals.

A certain sense of delusion is required to do the extraordinary. These delusions that push you forward with minimal shortcomings are what I've coined 'Positive Delusions'. Not quite Illusions of Grandeur, but beliefs and principles you hold closely, allowing you the liberty to actually act on your dreams and to strive for more.

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do" - Steve Jobs

Many greats: Napoleon Bonaparte, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk are said to have "reality distortion fields" - the ability to bend reality to their will. The vastness of their dreams and their convictions in achieving them, allows the universe (and those around them) no other option but to yield to their stipulations. The fruit being, world changing technologies and/or names forever etched in history. Stay Delusional!

Musk does not and can not know for certain that he will make it to mars, but this positive delusion allowed his company SpaceX to land the first American spacecraft on the moon since 1972.🚀

So, how do you get there? What permits this unhinged confidence?

As with many things in life, the incipient phase is always hardest. You've got to get the ball rolling with small wins, little delusions. In time, you will garner a stack of proof, fortifying your confidence to dream the unimaginable.

Undeniable proof breeds bulletproof confidence.

To emphasise, at the start, positive delusions in the absence of prior success or experience will put wind in your sails and steer you directionally to the real confidence you are currently feigning.
It's not a lie, it's just not true yet!

Good with the bad:

The flip side of the coin is that too much of anything can make you sick. Unchecked delusional tales to self may lead to miscalculations and unmet expectations, having the opposite effect on your morale.

Think exposure therapy, start with small doses and work your way up to thinking you're a god.

Merci et à bientôt!

N.B. I may well be a Schitz trying to rationalise my misconceptions - don't take my advice, think for yourself.