
Personal Development Made Easy

Rate Your Risk Tolerance

Are you dollar-cost-averaging into govt bonds or degenerately splurging on microcap alt coins? (Make it rain baby...). The two choices seem to be either, replicating Warren Buffet or becoming a 12-year-old crypto-millionaire. Most


In essence, routines are a major part of leading a well planned and structured life. Resulting in far less time thrown down the drain to trivial activities that don't serve you

The Pursuit of Happiness🥕

"There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path" - Buddha Life for many is viewed as an ordeal. With it's constant trials fuelled by fear, uncertainty and

Skinny Fat

This one here is mainly for my own future referencing. Not because I myself am skinny fat, but rather as I have become tired of verbally explaining the term to those around me

Year in Quarters

As we draw to the end of first 2022 quarter, the time has now come for me to reflect on how the year has panned out so far and track my progression over