Web 3.0 <- 2.0 <- 1.0

Web 3.0 is the new and evolved version of the world wide web. If you thought the internet was already widespread and interconnected, this era of the web takes it to the next level.

I'll expand.

click for: CONTENTS OF WEB 3.0

- Web 1.0 & 2.0

- What is Web 3.0

- Web 3.0, the future and & applications

Web 1.0 & 2.0

Web 1.0, the genesis of the internet given to us by Tim Berners-Lee between the years of 1991 - 2004. In this early stage, the majority of users were consumers. Websites were non interactive pages full of information. Wikipedia is the prime example of this; static, read-only pages - essentially books/documents put on a web page.

The next generation of the internet was web 2.0. With this came interactive pages where users could leave: likes, comments and share content with one another. As well as communicate via message boxes. This version of the web is/was the social era of the tech - here the users could be both consumers and producers. Users generate and share their content and participate in a wide variety of activities simultaneously. Web 2.0 built upon and developed the websites from web 1.0.

Facebook is one of the many examples. The webpages are full of dynamic content, tailored to each individual based on their activities and inputs. An individual can go on the Facebook.com homepage and view a completely different webpage, having a different experience to another individual on the same website.

A thing that was once primarily used to publish research and information has evolved and powers a great deal of our lives.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 can be veiwed as the latest evolution of the internet. It looks to combat some of the issues associated with web 2.0. Optimising for things like: security, privacy, transparency and autonomy. It has also been labelled as the semantic web, meaning computers are able to analyse a much larger volume of data and process the relationships between words better. This provides better search results by actually understanding the meaning of searched terms as opposed to the current model built on key words.

Technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence and decentralised ledger technology are used to enable websites and applications to process information in a smart, human-like manner whilst keeping information open sourced.

The new web is interconnected in a decentralised way in which all information is held and shared across a vast number of nodes worldwide. This prevents (at the very least limits) the monopolisation and control of centralised repositories. This advancement means that these central repositories no longer have full access to the data of their users who trust the information is being used ethically. The databases of these repositories are also susceptible to attacks thus, storing information in a decentralised manner counters this, offering greater security.

Similar technologies power blockchains and cryptocurrencies, thus seamless intergration of the technologies can be expected. Smart contracts and DApps will be used to smoothly and easily perform tasks like transactions and file sharing depending on the usecase.

Web 3.0, the future & applications

Web 3.0 is not a new concept, it has been in development for years. It will give us an internet technology that is even more intelligent and can process data at a near-human like level. The internet experience will be highly tailored to the individual user without the exploitations of centralised companies.

Users will be in full control of their information and can decide which, if any, of their data they would like to share with a company or website. Content shared cannot be removed or censored by the website unless removed by the content creator, providing a more free and open space, though this comes with its own issues - explicit and inappropriate content shared with no control authority.

Strong AI systems would detect and halt biased behaviours online such as falsified reviews on products and services. The systems could sort through and differentiate between genuine and false data reliably to serve the user with the best filtered and unbiased information for their search. AI assistants like Siri and Alexa will have far greater capabilities and will be more flexible in the tasks they could action.

Web 3.0 will facilite and support the arrival of the metaverse and all related technologies. Virtual and artificial reality will bridge the gap between the physical and online realm. Covering sectors ranging from: gaming, health, real estate and commerce. It may even find its uses at your work place or in your business.

Web 3.0 is still in its infant stage which leaves alot of room for improvement and also makes it hard to predict how it will actually transpire but it is safe to say the possibilieties are endless and it's effects will be wide reaching.

Web 4.0:- an entangled web