Year in Quarters

Year in Quarters

As we draw to the end of first 2022 quarter, the time has now come for me to reflect on how the year has panned out so far and track my progression over the last three months. As well as adjusting goals for the coming quarter.

I usually divide my year into 4 quarters, setting major and minor goals for each. I find this useful as trying to plan a whole year in advance is quite overwhelming! Breaking the year into more sizeable chunks allows for more strategic/tailored planning.

I know you've heard it a million times but here it is once more for good measure; Time is your most valueable asset! And it truly is! Time flies by and waits for no man and for that reason, you have got to use as much of it as effectively as you can. Accounting for each second may be overkill, but planning a couple months at a time is defintely do-able.

One focused year can change the course of your life and put you ahead, hitting more of your goals much more quickly allowing you to progress and aim even higher

Alright, enough explaining why this makes sense, let's get into how I structure my year. You can use it as inspo to set yours up or directly copy, take advantage whilst it's still free ;)

I split my year up into 4 quaters of 3 months each, so:

1st:- January, February, March

2nd:- April, May, Half of June (I'll explain later)

3rd:-  Rest of June, July, August, September

4th:- October, November, December

I even assign each a name:

1st:- Hustlemania

2nd:- Stay Disciplined!

3rd:- Kick back,  you’ve earnt it... plus it's  summer

4th:- Round up & Prep

The first quarter is when everyone sets new years resolutions, my aim here is to also set mine but to set up routines and put things in place to make the year great. Also in this part of the year, I'm challenging myself to go as hard as I can. Goals for this quarter are written down and ticked off as completed.

Second quarter, the emphasis here is sticking to goals and routines set! By this time, the majority have even forgotten what a new years resolution is. Couple more months. Keep going! I end this quarter a week before my Birthday - June 18th, allowing myself to have a bit of fun. I group the remainder of June into the summer quarter.

Quarter 3. The summer months. The sun is out, I think i've earned some respite. More about enjoyment and reaping the fruit of my hard/smart work. Holidays, Cars and Entertainment. I don't take my foot all the way off the gas though. Goals are still set and the summer daily routine is brought into action.

*edit (09/10/22): Bad idea, do no take this long off, it takes far too long to reel it all back in! *

The final quarter, again goals are set here but these are intended to round up the year and complete any of my left over yearly goals. Loose planning of the upcoming year is done and we wrap it all up with the holidays. Then start it all over again.

This way of structuring my year allows me to always know what I'm doing (or meant to be doing). If I ever find myself slacking or in a rut, I target a smaller goal to get the ball rolling again.

I also make monthly plans, but maybe we'll get into that one day!

Quarters - as sweet as pie.

